

Creating a new project




Upcoming Features


System Requirements

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11
Node >= 10 and npm >= 6
Google Chrome 59 or later


Install node and npm ,if not
Run npm i cybex-web2exe -g in terminal.

Building Executable


1. Open your Project Directory
2. Specify arguments in settings.json
3. Execute command cwe --build in terminal to build executable.
4. That's it, executable is build in the root of your project.

Creating a new Project


1. Open the parent directory
2. Execute command cwe --create in terminal.
3. Enter details asked in terminal.
4. That's it, your project is successfully created.



1. Open your Project Directory
2. Specify arguments in settings.json
3. Execute command cwe --run in terminal to run your file
4. That's it, your file is launched in a window.



1. Open the settings.json file located in the root directroy of your project.
2. Edit the content of settings.json according to your need.


Attribute Usage Value
app to specify the path location of main html file string
name to specify the name of application string
author to specify the name of author string
version to specify the version code version decimal
description to specify the description of application string
icon to specify the icon file location string
copyright to specify the legal copyright of application string
height to specify the height of application window positive integer
width to specify the width of application window positive integer
start_maximized to specify whether the application window has to be launched maximized or not boolean
devtools to specify whether the chrome DevTools can be used in application window or not boolean
resize to specify whether the application window can be resized or not boolean

Functions that can be accessed by shorcut keys have to specified under keys array like "keys": { }
The Value can only be a boolean. Note:- The shortcut keys are the same as of google chrome.

Attribute Usage
zoom to specify the zoom value of the page
reload to reload the current page
find to find a value inside the page
exit to close the current window
print to print the current page
fullscreen to enable the fullscreen mode

There will be no upcoming features !

We are really sorry but due to several issues the project has been deprecated and there will be no further updates.
Thanks for all the support that you have shown to us till now